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Firework Burst

This Weekends Winners Are


This weekend saw one of the uk’s most coveted firework competitions and one of the biggest in europe taking place.

Down in Plymouth, Wednesday and Thursday nights had a sky full of fireworks for the British Firework Championships over the beautiful Plymouth Sound.

Here in the UK, the competition was won by the team from Illusion Fireworks amid much controversy. During their display, one of the effects units landed in their opposition’s site (Phoenix Fireworks) and set fire to one of their wiring looms all but destroying their chances of lifting the silverware.

There has been much discussion regarding this issue, and the win, particularly as some of the other competing teams, believed that the amount of pyro in use was not within the ‘guidelines’. But, whether this was the case or just one of sour grapes is anyone’s guess. I am sure that the other teams will all have their own opinions too and will be only too glad to ‘share’ their thoughts around social media. I have to say, having watched the video of the display, it was absolutely beautiful so well done to Illusion Fireworks – a win’s a win, however, it is gained!

Over in Poland, teams from the Philippines, Romania, the UK and Poland took centre stage. From the outset, the team from Pyrotex Fireworx in the UK were in another league. Their display was clean, crisp and incredibly symmetrical and gained them a very well-deserved win.

Last, but by no means least, Firework Champions was at Belvoir Castle when teams from Fusion, Flashpoint, and Optimum Fireworks went head to head in the third in the series of events from the Firework Champions calendar. Winners were local team Optimum Fireworks – our warmest congratulations to Phil and Rebecca Cooper.

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