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Evolved Pyrotechnics Feature At Newby Hall

Evolved Pyrotechnics Feature At Newby Hall

The Firework Champions Newby Hall on Saturday 25th July 2015 witnessed the first outing of the innovative Evolved Pyrotechnics single shot in a competition in the UK.

#KNIGHTSofFIRE #EvolvedPyrotechnics #NewbyHall

Nicholas Chase and The Knights of Fire were the competitors who decided that the Evolved products were the ideal choice of firework to use in the choreography of his musical display. In addition to the single shots Knights of Fire were the only team on the evening who elected to use a wireless firing system, the system of choice Pyrosure.

#KNIGHTSofFIRE #EvolvedPyrotechnics #NewbyHall

The display was conducted according to the weight rules and budget, each team were given a monetary contribution towards firework costs and a weight limit of 120 kg net explosive quantity imposed.

#KNIGHTSofFIRE #EvolvedPyrotechnics #NewbyHall

Being a showcase this was an ideal opportunity to show off the versatility and accuracy of the brand new Evolved Pyrotechnics single shot fireworks. Nicholas selected 17 varieties of evolved single shots in 30 mm 38mm and 50mm diameter. Angles from 70 degrees from vertical were used on 25 ladder racks on 7 frontage positions across 180m of undulating ground.

#KNIGHTSofFIRE #EvolvedPyrotechnics #NewbyHall

495 single shots were installed ready to fire in under 2 hours, during the set up on site training was carried out and time off take to explain how the single shots would be fired to all inquisitive crew members from the teams.

Blocks and plates were used in conjunction with the adjustable feet on the Evolved ladder racks to level all the frames.

Connections to the firing system were completed and continuity test carried out, 4 missing cues were rectified and the system shut down to wait the start of the display later in the evening.

#KNIGHTSofFIRE #EvolvedPyrotechnics #NewbyHall

At 2130hrs we turned the system back on and cleared the field before the teams started arming their systems ready for the displays to commence.

2210hrs Nicholas transmitted the firing the script to the 45 modules, turned the arm key on and waited for the countdown from the compare.

The display was as The Knight’s of Fire had envisaged, check it out below in HD.

For further information on Evolved Pyrotechnics and Pyrosure Firing Systems, contact Mike Knox -

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