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5 Million YouTube Hits

5 Million YouTube Hits

Epic Fireworks Reach 5 Million Hits on YouTube

We have achieved 5 MILLION HITS!!!

Thank you, everyone, who supports and follows our video’s on YouTube as we have just achieved our goal of a spectacular 5 MILLION VIDEO HITS.

On our channel, we have video footage of all the fireworks in our current range and some of the old favourites over the years. We also feature film footage of customer weddings and fireworks displays from Bonfire Night and New Year as well as some interesting views of our trips to China and the arrival of our product containers.

When it comes to quality pyro, look no further than here and you can check out the fireworks you choose before you place your order – we can’t say fairer than that!

Long may it continue and THANK YOU to everyone who keeps us at the forefront of UK fireworks.

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