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Wyn Back From China Testing Trip

Wyn Back From China Testing Trip

Wyn shows off his six pack and his new Hi Vis Vest

Mr Wyn Lewis (AKA Top Man Wyn) is responsible for quality control and to ensure all our epic fireworks comply to British Standards (BS:7114) and make double sure that the Chinese have manufactured what they showed us earlier in the year.....they have a habit of changing things if you don't keep an eye on them!

Having been in the fireworks industry for over 30 years, Wyn is regarded as a 'nightmare' by the firework factories in China - he doesn't miss a trick!

Wyn began the first part of his trip with one of the rocket factories we use. Once he arrived, he met the factory manager and was given a short tour of the factory.

Whilst touring the rocket factory Wyn was checking on the following:

The quality of the printed labels, header and backing cards for the rocket packs
Check the warning label/warning instructions
Inspect the quality of the UN cartons (the cardboard box the rockets get shipped in)
The use of organised and forced child labour
The strength of the cardboard tubes used in the rocket head
The quality of the fuse and the lift charge
The quality of the metallic caps sometimes used in the larger rockets
To ensure a fair treatment to workers in the rocket factory
The quality of the plastic fuse protector
The quality of the glue being used
Make sure the working conditions are safe and hygienic
The bore-size, length and strength of the launching tubes
The length, size and quality of the rocket stick
To ensure no harsh treatment was subjected to any of the factory staff/workers
Cleanliness of the factory
A quick nosey to see what other rockets were being made ;)
General health and safety etc...

Here's a short video of the rocket factory tour.

After the tour Wyn was treated to a spot of local Chinese food. Something like below, enjoy.

Then, back to the rocket factory to select rockets at random for testing, see video below.

Once the rockets had been selected at random, Wyn then tested the rockets both during the day and at night to ensure they complied with our high standards.

Epic Fireworks - There it Goes

The second part of his trip was with one of the barrage/cake factories. Again the firework factory had started to produce our barrages and random samples were taken from the production line and rigorously tested. More to follow soon on the next blog post.

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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Fourteen - Displays in a Small Garden