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Toffee Apples for Bonfire Night

Toffee Apples for Bonfire Night

Toffee apples are great fun at any time of the year, but we love them especially on Fireworks Night, and it’s a great way to sneak fruit into the kid’s diet.

Toffee Apples


8 small apples, washed and stalks removed

8 fl. oz. (225ml.) water

1 lb. (450g) sugar


Pour the sugar and water into a microwave bowl and cook on high for 5 minutes

Stir until sugar has dissolved then continue cooking on high until golden, about 17-20 minutes

Meanwhile, insert a 5-6 inch length of dowelling into each apple

Remove toffee mixture from microwave and stand for 2 minutes

Dip the apples in the toffee mixture; you can use a spoon to make sure all of the apples are covered.

Hold the apples over the bowl to drain then stand on greaseproof paper to harden.

Baked potatoes are a classic dish with so many variations, we have given you a few ideas here, but be creative, and put on whatever you fancy, go on, it's only once a year!

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