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The Offer Of The Century. FREE State Of The Art Firing Systems Available* By PyroSure

PyroSure Controller

The manufacturers of PyroSure and Solar Flare Igniters wishing to celebrate the successful launch of their new Wireless Firing System, are giving away a limited amount of PyroSure equipment* when you buy Solar Flare Igniters.

There isn’t even much of a catch, all you have to do is buy 4 cases* of SFI's in one order and you'll receive either a module and three rail 8's or the fantastic integrated rail 24 absolutely free. What's it worth ? Well £475.

A new SFi will soon be available in a flat cable option along with a single shot igniter suitable for use in candles and mines.

The Flat cable SFI are anticipated to cost 25p per igniter.

Finale Software is available when 2 cases SFI's are purchased.

And we're going one step further - for a short time only, buy 12 cases SFI and get a PyroSure controller free, that will even play the music for the firework display*

Use the safest firework igniter in the world and work your way to obtaining a Free Digital Firing System the system that fired the opening Show at Las Fallas in Valencia Spain 2011.

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*Terms & conditions apply

Pyrosure Controller only available with full order of 12 cases - no part order acceptable.
Module offer applies to unique orders where qty of four cases or more are ordered (excluding order of 12 cases where controller is free),
The offer of Finale Fireworks software applies to 2 case orders whether separate or in conjunction with other offers.
Invoices must be paid in full to receive the offer.
Modules require one Pyrosure Controller to complete the system.
Music only played in conjunction with PA system.
Standard SFI price at £325 per case for 720.
Offer available worldwide on UK SFI purchases only, shipping will be additional out with the UK.
UK offer excludes VAT.
The supplier has the right to alter terms and conditions at any time without notice.

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