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THE A-Z OF EPIC FIREWORKS We are here to give you the best experiences when it comes to fireworks. Whether it’s for Bonfire Night or New Year, Birthdays or Gender reveals, we want to make sure you have the best pyro experience possible.

Keep reading to see a full alphabets worth of our best, most impressive, and coolest products:

A is for: All Night Party – by Hallmark This awesome rocket pack comes with 21 individual rockets, with varied colours and effects, and is top notch value for money!

B is for: Brocade Bonanza – by EPIC This spectacular barrage fills the sky with gorgeous Brocades, with 50 huge breaks over a span of 40 seconds, the pacing is perfect.

C is for: Cartel – by EPIC Short and sweet, and at a brilliant price, this barrage is a great feature in any display with gorgeous comet tails and several different effects.

D is for: Dum Bum 25 Shot – by Klasek If you really want to make a noisy impact, try this barrage. You will not be disappointed.

E is for: Eagle – by EPIC A spectacular rocket which will leave any viewers mesmerized with its crackling centre.

F is for: Fire Fox by EPIC A great addition to any display, this barrage with beautiful sky-filling bursts is a winner.

G is for: Grenades! We stock a variety of smoke grenades, which are brilliant for photography and events. 

H is for: High Voltage – by EPIC They small great things come in small packages, this 16 shot barrage will blow your socks off!

I is for: Iron Man – by EPIC With fact paced spinners and strobes that will light up any back garden display, this is a perfect family firework!

J is for: Jammer – by Black Cat Part of the ‘All stars’ series, this cake produces red and blue stars with a pretty glitter effect.

K is for: King of the Jungle – by EPIC This huge compound cake provides gorgeous peonies in various colours, pace increase throughout and a picture-perfect ending, this could easily be use for a finale.

L is for: Lanterns! We provide a range of sky lanterns for remembrance celebrations or other celebratory events.

M is for: Mighty Mouse by EPIC A fun fanned cake with several different noise and visual effects, wonderful addition to a back garden show!

N is for: Neon by EPIC Another member of the Dirty Dozen takes this spot, with it’s beautiful blue and white burst, it’s a definite crowd pleaser!

O is for: OMG by Brothers Pyrotechnics This 100-shot cake is a stunner, and could definitely be used as a fantastic finale piece!

P is for: Plata O Plomo – by EPIC Another fantastic 16 shot barrage. It’s huge bursts will take you by surprise and leave a crowd impressed.

Q is for: Quake by EPIC Featuring unique blue and purple colours, this firework is beautiful against the back drop of a night sky!

R is for: Red Ball Head Rocket by EPIC This ball head is sure to leave you stunned, with a bright red burst and a golden corolla that hangs in the air.

S is for: Screaming Spiders by EPIC This cake needs no introduction. Our award winning Screaming Spiders barrage has always been a best seller. If you haven’t seen it in action yet, we feel bad for you.
T is for: Toxicado by EPIC 84 shots of multi-coloured pearls, strobing stars, white palms, this barrage has it all.

U is for: Universe by Klasek With maximum 30mm tubes and 20 vibrant colours, and a brilliant duration on almost 4 minutes, this is sure to be a hit finale with any crowd!

V is for: Vendetta (obviously…) Our Vendetta pack is full of some of our most impressive multi-effect barrages, this pack gives you a show that will be the talk of the town.

W is for: Whispering Palms by Paramount A gorgeous barrage with beautifully paced multi effect palms, a real eye catcher!

X is for: Planet ‘’X’’ by EPIC A unique 64 shot multi effect barrage with comet tails and crackling clouds. Out of this world.

Y is for: Year End Party If you are really looking to splash out for 2023 and treat yourself and your guests, you cannot go wrong with this pack. Filled to the brim with some of our most impressive barrages and rockets, get the New Year off to a flying start.


Z is for: Zoldak by Klasek Lasting almost two minutes and with 64 massive 30mm shots, this cake is outstanding. Adding this to your display is sure to make it more colourful, exciting, and loud!

We hope you enjoyed re-learning your alphabet, and hopefully you were inspired to try our some of our favourite products. Remember, we have many more items than what is listed here, and to see our full range of fireworks, please click here.

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