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Professional Rocket Box One - 30 Big 1.3g Rockets

A Right Tackle Of Fireworks...

All 30 of the 1.3G BIG BOY rockets come in one large carton along with 3 heavy-duty rocket launching tubes, here’s the full breakdown of what you get:

2 x Atomic Meltdown – Golden willow to silverfish
2 x Hawk – A huge deep gold willow break with a secondary blue peony break
8 x Sky Force – Huge deep gold willow break with a secondary gold peony break
2 x Stinger – Beautiful white gold crackling massive chrysanthemum with secondary coloured comet break.
10 x Tomahawk – Huge gold silver tipped glittering willow break – simply BEAUTIFUL and the second a green centred peony with a purple pistil comet break.
6 x Sky Storm – crackling gold chrysanthemum with beautiful colour crossette.

Whatever your taste in fireworks is, these rockets are absolutely beautiful.

Professional Rocket Box One - 30 Big 1.3g Rockets

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