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Patriotic Fireworks Banned For Patriotic Reasons

epic fourth of july

Narrowsburg, New York residents won’t be seeing the usual fireworks spectacular this year.

As a huge chunk of the USA battles with drought conditions, and bans in place preventing some states and counties Fireworks and open fires being lit because of worries to the surrounding tinder dry conditions escalating into wild fires, the citizens of Narrowsburg will miss out for a different reason: EAGLES.

Some years ago a fledgling bald eagle, America’s symbol of freedom, was found with a broken leg the day after the 4th’s celebrations, believed to be caused indirectly by the fireworks display, last year the officials monitoring the bald eagle population noticed that last year some bald eagle chicks left the nests far earlier than expected, and again this was decided that fireworks were to blame, so this year dramatic steps have been taken.

Earlier this year local Lava volunteer fire department agreed to donate $6000.00 to provide the fireworks, but worried US fish and wildlife officials have threatened huge fines directed at the organisers if the display goes ahead, although $3200.00 of the $6k budget has already been spent on the pyrotechnics.

Bruce Gettel, local volunteer spokesman says the fire department are not willing to take the risk of incurring fines and putting lives at risk in the future, $3200 which has already been put down as a deposit would have kept the fire crew in protective clothing for a year, any further fines incurred would seriously jeopardise their ability to replace equipment, stating quite clearly “if the town wants fireworks, the towns board would have to do it themselves”.

Last minute plans to broker a deal to allow the fireworks to go ahead are not looking good but the locals remain hopeful that an agreement can be made with the government department.

Jane Luchsinger, president of the Narrowsburg chamber of trade and commerce was said to be sad about the decision, it’s not just the fireworks that will be missed, local businesses are set to lose out on essential revenue generated by the increased tourists who would normally attend the fireworks display and of course the fireworks stands and retailers would be hardest hit, most putting their orders into China some months ago when the decision had been made but not communicated to the local population.

The news is full of evidence and comments relating to the recent amendments to the regulations for the sale of fireworks. More and more States are banning ‘garden’ fireworks in an attempt to stop the actions of the few inappropriately titled ‘pyromaniacs’.

Here in the UK, the use of the pyromaniac label has been utilised for all the men and women out there who just love fireworks. They research the effects, know all the safety requirements and often place themselves into the ‘firing line’ in order to ensure the safety of the general public.

Whilst I acknowledge that there may be one or two idiots out there in the big wide world who will hurt themselves and innocent bystanders as well as doing more than their fair share of despicable acts in relation to defenceless animals, these are a select few and they are the only ones who will find a way to ‘feed’ their obsession whether its with fireworks or some other incendiary device.

I do believe therefore that provided that the stupidity is dealt with quickly and publicly, this will reduce the necessity for banning fireworks as a whole.

Our hopes go out to them that a solution or compromise can be found as this could be the end of fireworks for the good people of Narrowsburg and the surrounding area for years to come.

While the annual parade downMain Streetwill still go ahead as planned at 3pm followed by a barbeque, it seems the only bangers to be seen will be in bread buns.

Disco Stu :)

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