How Do You Light 300 Big Rockets At Once
To celebrate hitting 1,000,000 YouTube subscribers, our good mate Colin Furze wanted some fireworks.
For those of you who are not familiar with Colin’s past adventures, he is a world-renowned British inventor and holder of many Guinness world records, all round top lad and a bit of a nutter (in a good way).
One word of warning, Colin is a seasoned professional DO NOT attempt to try anything featured in the video unless you are 100% sure you know exactly what you are doing, we accept no responsibility for any mishaps.
Mentioned in the video is “E match”, for those not familiar with these, these are a non-pyrogenic (no explosive materials involved) electronic clip which is attached to the fuse. When an electric charge is sent down the wire, this creates a spark, lighting the fuse and hey presto the firework is lit, but at a cost, and not practical on this occasion.
The obvious choice for Colin, who thinks on a bigger scale to most of us, was ….. A flame thrower - a bit like the flamethrower used by Fireball in the Running Man movie.
So how do you light 300 big rockets at once ???
Check out the video below of the #EpicFireworks team and #ColinFurze mass rocket launch :)
Well done Colin - Keep up the good work.
More crazy pictures of the mass rocket launch can be found here :)
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