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Honda Celebration of Light Fireworks Festival 2012

Fireworks: Brazil, Italy and Vietnam to battle in Honda Celebration of Light festival

From 28 July 2012 until 4 August 2012, the skies over English Bay, Vancouver will be lit up with fireworks.

Vancouver has held this event for a number of years and this was previously sponsored by HSBC. However, when Honda took over the sponsorship, the name changed to Honda Celebration of Light Festival.

This festival, now enjoying its twenty-second year as an event will feature entries from Brazil, Italy and Vietnam who will battle it out over the 8 day period to be crowned the winner.

The event has grown to such a degree that the area surrounding the firing site is completely shut down to traffic to enable sightseers to take in the staggering beauty of the displays on offer.

The competing teams and their display dates are as follows:

Vietnam - Team Da Nang - July 28th
Brazil - Group Vision - August 1 st
Italy - Pirotecnica Soldi - August 4th

The 2012 Celebration of Light competition will begin promptly each night at 10:00pm over English Bay, rain or shine.

Sadly, this will mark the first time in six years that Canada is not represented at the event which is particularly sad when the 2011 spectacle saw China beat Spain and Canada for the title.

This event is the largest annual offshore fireworks competition in the world and will attract up to 300,000 spectators along English Bay each evening adding to the much-needed economy at the moment.

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