Fireworks and Advertising
A couple of weeks ago, I touched upon advertising in my piece about the old firework companies and their history. However, having been completely blown away by the recent ‘Coke Zero’ advertisement, I would like to know if there has ever been a TV advertisement for fireworks?
I am not referring to adverts which include fireworks as we have featured these on our firework blog a number of times, but an actual firework manufacturer/supplier who has made an advert in the UK?
In the new ‘Coke’ advert (coke has regularly featured fireworks in their advertising campaigns) the scene is a cinema theatre with rows of seats packed with people waiting for their film to start when up pops the man from the concessions stand, chatting about the new taste of ‘Coke Zero’ which they say is as tasty as regular coke and therefore cannot be distinguished because of its usual saccharine after taste. He gives them a bit more ‘schmooz’ and then tells the captive audience that they are all drinking the new tastier Coke Zero as he removes the double up cup to reveal this, the film cuts back to the audience who are revealing to their obvious astonishment that this is the case.
So I got thinking (I know, steady on) may be the firework manufacturers should have a ‘fire-off’ to determine the best in each category but with a team of people who are simply lovers of fireworks and not connected with the industry or any particular brand or product. It's the only way to get a genuinely unbiased view. What do you think?