Here in the firework industry, there can be issues which impact on the abilities of professional firers to do their jobs both effectively and safely and this weekend took some completely by surprise.
Sadly, the second of the series of the Firework Champions events suffered a setback when after the first team had completed their display, the PA system failed when the fibreoptic data link was lost leaving Phenomenal Fireworks firing without the music to which the display was choreographed.
Time constraints meant that organisers MLE Pyrotechnics did not have sufficient time to resolve the system malfunction before the 11pm cut off time would have been upon them.
Under the circumstances I think MLE did the right thing to pull the vote.
This is of course a one off issue and steps have been taken to have a multi-faceted back up in the future and will be up and running in plenty of time for the next event at Belvoir Castle on 11th August 2018.