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Epic Wedding Fireworks

Epic Wedding Fireworks

The 2013 Wedding Season is just beginning to gather pace. However, we would advise you not to put your wellies and woollies away just yet though as this could be the calm before the storm … again!!

Epic fireworks in Tankersley have more than 30 years experience in the fireworks industry, and we would really like to help anyone looking to have fireworks at their wedding get the best value and quality possible for half the price.

We stock a HUGE array of semi-professional fireworks which will truly make your big day go with a bang. We can provide information to help you in choosing a bespoke pack with the right effects, colours and duration to fit in with your wedding theme or you could choose one of our specially selected display packs which come with a full set of safety instructions, safety portfires (for lighting your pyro) and a comprehensive guide on how to set up the fireworks to get the best for your money.

All you need to do is find someone who will do the set up and firing for you and we can help them every step of the way on what to do if there is a change in the weather, how to lay them out and the timings of every piece so that you can have the seamless display your heart desires but at a fraction of the cost. We will not be supplying hundreds of small items but a particular selection of the best barrages in the UK (some of which are used by pro firers) to give you a display to remember.

A firework display at the end of your wedding would be the perfect end to the perfect day, so if you should find yourself needing some help, get in touch and we will certainly do our best, and as our prices are all half the RRP, they are great value for money.

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