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Epic Bestsellers: Fountains

Epic Bestsellers: Fountains

Welcome to the ultimate guide to the most sought-after fountains in our collection!

In the world of fireworks, fountains hold a special place in every firework fans heart. Here at Epic Fireworks, we take pride in curating a diverse range of fountains, each carefully crafted to deliver unforgettable experiences for firework enthusiasts of all ages. In this article, we'll unveil our best-selling fountains, showcasing the very pinnacle in pyrotechnic artistry and innovation, along with videos showing you just why these fountains are so popular with our customers.

So sit back, relax, and prepare to be dazzled as we unveil the Epic Fireworks bestsellers in the world of fountains.


Approx Duration: 60 Sec
Firework Dimensions: 10cm x 15cm
Noise Rating: 2/10

"When was the last time you heard someone scream with surprise during a fountain? This little gem has a trio of decent height mine lifts to complement the impressive run time of the fountain. Perfect for the back garden display, it performs brilliantly for its price." - David

This great value fountain is not only a customer favourite but is also an Epic Fireworks team favourite, delivering multi-coloured effects, which includes multi-level mine effects, blue stars, and crackling flowers.

RRP: £11.99
Epic Price: £5.94
Buy Fantasia today


Approx Duration: 50 Sec
Firework Dimensions: 16cm x 8cm
Noise Rating: 3/10

"This fountain is "epic" value for money and lasts longer then the higher priced items. So good I returned to the shop and stocked up!" - Anthony

Complete with chrysanthemum, crackles, bubbling lava, and strobe effects, this is another awesome value fountain and a perfect addition to any display.

RRP: £11.99
Epic Price: £5.94
Buy Halo today

Vampire Fountain

Approx Duration: 55 Sec
Firework Dimensions: 15cm x 8cm
Noise Rating: 4/10

No Halloween firework display will be complete without this fang-tastic fountain that includes spider crackles, strobes, chrysanthemums, and whistles. 

RRP: £6.99
Epic Price: £5.94
Buy Vampire Fountain today


Approx Duration: 60 Sec
Firework Dimensions: 26cm x 6cm x 13cm
Noise Rating: 2/10

"Decent piece that's worth having in your display to break up the bangs, or to pad out that selection box with 5 second fountains! The colours are more impressive in the flesh than on the video as well!" - David

This is an excellent mixed effect fountain that starts with a column of silver sparks  and raining spray and leads into other effects including sharp whistles, crackling chrysanthemums and golden and luscious gold flitter effects.

RRP: £11.99
Epic Price: £9.96
Buy Peacock today

Star Shower

Approx Duration: 70 Sec
Firework Dimensions: 25cm x 9cm
Noise Rating: 3/10

"Not quite sure how epic does this at this price but keep it up boys, top marks for quality." - Kenneth

This excellent value garden fountain is perfect for garden firework displays and once lit delivers vivid red and orange stars shooting with a soft crackling silver flower, all at a great height.

RRP: £19.99
Epic Price: £9.96
Buy Star Shower today



Approximate Duration: 40 Sec
Firework Dimensions: 15cm x 8.5cm
Noise Rating: 2/10

An incredibly unique fountain which delivers a super rare effect called the 'jelly bean'. The vividly coloured stars burn for so long they bounce, skate and dance across the ground making it a very unique visual display. If you have the option, you can fix this fountain higher off the ground and it will then create an effect where beautiful rainbow coloured balls will rain down.

RRP: £14.99
Epic Price: £11.94
Buy Spectrum today

Crackling Fountain aka Crackle Conic

Approx Duration: 30 Sec
Firework Dimensions: 25cm x 9cm
Noise Rating: 5/10 

An excellent value, single effect fountain which is perfect to add to any display, especially one with a silver or glitter theme due to the silver crackling flower effect.

RRP: £149.99
Epic Price: £9.96
Buy Crackling Fountain today

Gold Rush

Approx Duration: 20 Sec
Firework Dimensions: 20cm x 6cm
Noise Rating: 7/10

Now this is technically a mine, but each one starts off like a fountain and then delivers a range of mine effects including a volley of bright-coloured stars, whistles, red and blue stars, titanium chrysanthemum, green glitter, and brocade crown. All in all, making this a fantastic value firework as you essentially get four fireworks in this pack of two.

RRP: £14.99
Epic Price: £9.96
Buy Gold Rush today

Traffic Cones

Approximate Duration: 25 Sec Per Fountain
Firework Pack Dimensions: 10.5cm x 8.5cm x 4.5cm
Noise Rating: 2/10

"You cannot go wrong purchasing these! My memories of similar fountains back in the day meant these were a must-buy and I wasn't disappointed! Three fountains which punch well above their price point - good length and super height resulted in repeat orders of a number of packs this year." - David

Small but mighty! As you'd expect from the name, each pack contains a green, amber and red firework, with each one delivering a showers of silver sparks above a coloured flame. With no crackle effect, these fountains are perfect for displays where you need to keep the noise low and are looking for great value quiet fireworks.

RRP: £5.99
Epic Price: 3.96
Buy Traffic Cones today



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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Fourteen - Displays in a Small Garden