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Batman Firework Artwork - Holy Firecrackers

Batman Firework Artwork - Holy Firecrackers

This pack contained 16 firecrackers and the artwork for a similar one, which contained 32 firecrackers was recently sold to a collector for $200.00.

The example below is quite rare as the majority of the remaining examples of artwork memorabilia from this company, whilst similar, actually just have ‘Black Bat’ supercharged instead of ‘Batman’ like the one shown.

Made by the Kwong Hing Tai Fireworks factory where their Head Office was in Macau. The business was reportedly destroyed by fire in the 1980’s but most of the art-deco styled building remains intact.

I love the instructions on the front here. Lay on ground, light fuse, get away. Simple and to the point. Notice also the word batman is written in an oriental style. How this would sell nowadays is anybody's guess. Also the practice of putting famous cartoon characters onto fireworks labels may be frowned upon nowadays. Either way this is a great piece of fireworks history.

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