Amazing Time-Lapse of the DaNang International Fireworks Competition
The Epic Fireworks team have seen plenty of firework time-lapse videos over the years but this has to be the best by far.
The video above was produced by world-class photographer Robert Whitworth.
Robert was given the opportunity to show off his special talent at the DaNang International Fireworks Competition 2013 held in Vietnam.
On the second night of the competition Robert was given preferential access (commissioned by the event organisers, Global2000) to a newly built Novotel skyscraper right next to the launch site, that meant he was standing 100m horizontal away from the large exploding shells. Here's a shaky iPhone video Robert took (I must stress that it's a shaky iPhone footage and not pro footage) to give you a feel for the competition. I don't think you could get any closer to the action without attaching yourself directly to the firework itself!
The time-lapse video was achieved by skilled camera movement and a combination of in camera and post-production techniques. Epic Fireworks had exclusive access to an interview with Robert and we had a few questions for him, check out what was said:
Were you at the event by 'accident' or was it for work?
It would be a stretch to call it work... but yes I was commissioned by Global 2000, the event organisers to time-lapse the competition. They have been running it for the last six years. They had come across my previous videos and decided to give me a shot at capturing it. They were great getting me access to pretty much any location I asked.
How many photographs were used to make the time-lapse video?
15091 Raw Images.
How long did it take you to produce the video from start to finish?
The images were shot over five pretty busy days that were blessed with amazing sunsets, not typical for central Vietnam.
The initial crunching of the images took around three 12-14 hour days. And finally, the assembly of the video was over a further five 12-14 hour days. So something like 180 hours all in... with some coffee breaks and the odd tin of Larue (local beer).
If you had to do it over again, what would you do differently?
Drink less Larue (local beer). The flight back to Singapore (home) wasn't much fun first thing the morning after!
Below you can view some exclusive pictures that Robert used in his amazing time-lapse video - truly awesome work.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Robert for his time and wish him all the very best for the future. Keep up the great work Robert :)