Funke Push It To The Limit 100 Shot
Introducing Push It To The Limit, a true pyrotechnic masterpiece in the form of a 100 shot compound firework cake, meticulously crafted by Albert Fireworks and proudly belonging to the prestigious Funke brand, ensuring unrivalled quality and excellence.
Once lit, Push It To The Limit, Z-fires 10 banks 10 wide and packs a truly staggering assortment of different, and exciting, effects. The first two salvos catapult sapphire and lemon coloured peonies with ruby red strobing stars above lusciously thick plumes of blue, yellow and blood-red strobe mine lifts. Next, the following two salvos produce dirty gold willow mines which rooster tail upwards amongst vivid gold strobing stars whilst charcoal willows swamp the sky above and create a wide sweeping canvas of glitzy glamour which hangs extremely well. Following on, green strobing mine lifts blink upon a curtain of sapphire and chicken blood stars and matching breaks above illuminate with emerald strobing layered upon chicken blood-red and blue peonies. Perhaps the most elegant two salvos fire next and beautifully golden brocades cannonade far and wide, left to right, whilst shimmering sprays of golden trails plume upwards from the ground. White strobing stars dance atop this sequence and flicker and gleam brightly, giving superb contrast against the night sky. Approaching the grand finale, the last two banks ignite with a crescendo of noisy crackling chrysanthemum mine lifts, bursting into sizzling clusters meanwhile overhead, titanium silver chrysanthemums fill the sky to its absolute capacity and create a breathtaking climax that will leave your audience in awe.
Push It To The Limit is an astounding firework that exemplifies premium quality in both its effects and build. Its rich assortment of colours and effect types are sure to impress even the most discerning of fireworks enthusiasts. If you aspire to showcase the very finest fireworks available, and make your special display truly unforgettable, then Push It To The Limit is undoubtedly a must-have addition to your arsenal of pyrotechnic wonders. Elevate your celebration to new heights with this extraordinary masterpiece.
Funke Push It To The Limit 100 Shot Compound Specifications
Carton Quantity: 1 x Funke Push It To The Limit
Fireworks Brand: Funke Fireworks
No. of Shots: 100
Approx Firework Duration: 80 Sec
Product Weight: 8.5kg
NEC (Net Explosive Content): 1420g
Firework Dimensions: 47cm x 34cm x 18cm
Bore Size: 25mm
Vertical or Fan: Fan
Noise Rating: 9/10
Classification: 1.3G
Firework Category: F3
Safety Distance: 25 Metres
*Remote areas may be subject to a delivery surcharge