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We Are Not Just Epic

Epic Fireworks

Adjective: Something good, powerful or of superior quality.

Noun: Used to describe exceptional literary works such as narrative poems or sagas in terms of scale (examples include the Iliad, the Odyssey, Virgil's Aeneid, Milton's Paradise Lost, the Chanson de Roland, the Old English elegiac poem Beowulf, and the Hindu Mahābhārata and Rāmāyana).

Epic is possibly the most overused word by the under 25 gaming community. But we are much more than that.

Epic is just one of the Jimmy’s Fireworks Ltd, fireworks brands.

Ok folks hands up.....who knew what our other brands are?

All our brands as you would expect, are sourced from the very best firework factories in the world, with an attention to detail, monitored throughout the manufacturing process.

Our un-written company policy is that we will never compromise on quality over cost, while at the same time, buying in massive quantities ensures we can pass on our savings to our customers, with fireworks at half the usual R.R.P.

Would you go back to a company where you were unhappy with the service, product, or information given? I for one wouldn't, and there are one or two (who shall remain nameless) company’s out there I just won’t deal with for what may have been a “one-off” bad experience, the reason isn't that the made a mistake, we are all only human after all, it was more a case of that they were unwilling to go the “extra mile” to either ensure this didn't happen again or in some cases didn't recognise there was a problem. Which is why we at Epic, will strive to constantly deliver the best customer service and products and wherever possible, will do everything in our power to ensure you will remain loyal to our company. It’s what we do, the way we do it and the years of experience that keeps tens of thousands of customers from all over the UK returning to us on a regular basis year after year.

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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Twelve - Choosing the Right fireworks for your display