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Watch Some of 2023's Biggest & Best Bonfire Night Displays

Watch Some of 2023's Biggest & Best Bonfire Night Displays

Bonfire night has been and gone for another year. Sadly, due to the storm Ciara many firework displays around the country were cancelled, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy some firework magic this year.

We've pulled together a collection of some of the biggest and best firework displays from around the country so you can enjoy them from the comfort of your home or office, just make sure the boss doesn't see!


Alton Towers Fireworks Spectacular 2023

Held every year on the weekend closest to Bonfire Night, the Alton Towers display is always a feast for the senses thanks. With fireworks set to a great playlist and combined with lasers Alton Towers deliver a fantastic Bonfire Night event and is definitely one we'd recommend seeing in person one day if you've not already. Especially as they keep the rides open late so you can enjoy some of the worlds best theme park rides in the dark, making them even more exciting.


Silver Jubilee Bridge, St Helens 2023 Bonfire Night Display

Always a great display, this years event hit the mark. The Halton’s fireworks spectacular took place on top of the Silver Jubilee Bridge, which links Runcorn and Widnes. It's a free, public display and a great opportunity for friends, families and loved ones to come together and enjoy a great night together.


Newcastle 2023 Bonfire Night Firework Display 

This live stream from Live Stream Events captured one of many fantastic displays across Newcastle and Tyneside. Skip ahead to 18m in on the video and enjoy a fantastic display.


Lewes 2023 Bonfire Night

Lewes is home to the oldest bonfire society, ‘Lewes Bonfire Society’, founded in 1853. They've been marching the streets of the town for over 165 years and always put on a great Bonfire Night event. This year's event didn't disappoint as you can see.


Worthing Pier 2023 Bonfire Night Display

The display, organised by Worthing Lions with Worthing Town Centre Initiative was fired from Worthing Pier. The Coles Funfair was also set up along the prom, creating a fantastic family event.


Cambridge 2023 Bonfire Night Display

Illumina Fireworks night held at Midsummer common in Cambridge, was organised by Cambridge City Council and entertained a packed crowd with a fantastic display.


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