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Virgin Money Fireworks Concert 2015


The Virgin Money Fireworks concert is an event that was said to have been established in 1947 in Scotland to reignite the human spirit, which was all but destroyed following World War II.

However, what was once a small event has grown year on year and of course, including fireworks in the night sky over the stunning setting of Edinburgh Castle sitting in the midst of one of the biggest natural amphitheaters so the sound of the explosions are all around.

The music is a vivid interpretation of events throughout history and with fireworks choreographed to coincide with the musical notations.

There are anticipated to be crowds of up to 250,000 who will take any vantage point to take in the explosions in the night sky over Edinburgh’s most famous landmark.

On average a display of this size and technicality takes around 300 hours of planning, 4-5 weeks in the design stage and 2 whole weeks of listening to the tracks of the music to be played to pick up on the beat count etc to find the best cue points. Bearing in mind that firstly, the music is LIVE and secondly, not all classical music lends itself to pyro-musical excellence so it’s a case of see how the balancing act goes. During set up there are 15 technicians on site up to 12 days of preparation with pyro set up on every part of the castle and to achieve the right effects and colour combinations, this is a task and a half.

Details of ticketing etc will be made available shortly so we will update you then.

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