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V for Vendetta - The Pretender (fanvid)

V for Vendetta - The Pretender (fanvid)

The Film V For Vendetta is taken from the graphic novel by Alan Moore and David Lloyd.

It was originally a British film based on the fight against oppression to the Act of Uniformity which was passed in 1559 which was essential to prevent Catholic worship. The freedom fighter, known only as ‘V’ uses what can only be described as terrorist acts to fight the ever-increasing totalitarian society. ‘V’ is like a modern-day version of Guy Fawkes and his associates, Rookwood, Percy, and Keyes feature widely which again is another nod to the Gunpowder Plot.

Unfortunately, the film ended up so far removed from the original plotline that one of the writers, Alan Moore, insisted that his endorsement is removed from the film. His co-writer though enjoyed the film but did acknowledge that in the end that there was little comparison between the book and the film by the end of editing, as a result, it was believed of the American attempts to de-anglicise the film. The end result was a change for the lead character from anarchist to the freedom fighter. The film did, however, receive a coveted 8.2/10 on IMDB so it can't be that bad now can it?!

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