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Understanding The Different Types of Firework Effects

Understanding The Different Types of Firework Effects

Fireworks light up the night sky with a dazzling array of effects, creating a spectacular show that captivates audiences. As you shop for fireworks you'll have seen lots of descriptions of what each one does, with a list of different effects. But what exactly are these effects, what do they look like and how do they work?

Let's break it down without the jargon, so you can enjoy shopping for fireworks and finding the perfect effects for your next display.


Imagine a firework bursting into a sphere of bright, sparkling stars that slowly fade away. That's a peony effect. It's like a big, round bouquet of light that shines and then gently disappears.


Similar to a peony, a chrysanthemum effect creates a spherical pattern. However, chrysanthemums have longer-lasting, glittery stars that hang in the air a bit longer before fizzling out.


Ever seen a firework that looks like drooping branches of light? That's a willow effect. It produces long, silver or gold trails that gracefully fall downwards, resembling a weeping willow tree.


Picture the leaves of a palm tree swaying in the breeze – that's the palm effect. Fireworks with a palm effect burst into streams of stars that spread outwards, resembling the fronds of a palm tree.


Crossettes are like one firework that splits into several smaller ones mid-air. It's as if a single firework explodes and then each part becomes its own mini-firework, shooting off in different directions.


Strobe effects produce quick, flashing bursts of light. They flicker rapidly, creating a strobe-light effect in the sky. It's like someone flicking a switch on and off really fast.


Crackle effects are all about the noise! They produce loud crackling sounds and bright flashes without many visible stars. It's like the sound of popping popcorn in the sky.


Comet effects mimic shooting stars. They streak across the sky, leaving a bright, tail-like trail behind them. It's like having a little piece of a meteor shower in a firework.

Dragon's Eggs

These effects create large bursts of colourful stars that twinkle and change colours. They're like little eggs hatching in the sky, releasing bursts of vibrant light.

Ring Shell

Ring shell effects create circular or ring-shaped patterns in the sky. They're like bright rings expanding outward from the explosion point, forming a beautiful halo before dissipating.


Horsetail effects resemble the tail of a horse – they produce long, trailing streaks that taper off at the end, resembling a horse's tail blowing in the wind.


Fireworks with fish effects produce shapes that resemble fish swimming in the sky. These effects typically feature wiggling, darting movements similar to fish swimming through water.

Ghost Shell

Ghost shell effects create a ghostly, ethereal appearance in the sky. They're characterised by a soft, translucent glow that slowly fades away, creating an otherworldly effect.


Waterfall effects mimic cascading water. They create a downward flow of sparks, resembling a cascading waterfall, producing a visual spectacle reminiscent of falling water.

Creating Your Perfect Display

Now that you know the different types of firework effects you can start to play with them and build your own unique displays. Keep this article bookmarked and then you can always refer back to it as you shop for your fireworks and remind yourself of what each effect does.

And if you need a hand to find the perfect fireworks for your next display, our expert team here at Epic Fireworks will be happy to help. We love nothing more than helping you to pick the best fireworks to deliver the look you're aiming for.

Get in touch and let's talk through your vision and how we can help to make it a reality.



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