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In this countdown, we look at our top 5 red fireworks. Perfect for celebrating Remembrance Day, or recognising a sporting win with colours that match those of your favourite team, these fireworks produce red stars and are all single-effect items. When mixed with white, and blue fireworks these could be incorporated into a stunning display that commemorates a Jubilee, Coronation, Saint George's Day or even Independence Day!

Quarterback - Noise Rating 5/10 - 27 Seconds - Cost £9.96

For less than £10, Quarterback will provide 25 shots of bright, pillar box red peonies. Accompanying the lucid red bursts are delayed crackling clusters, and the night sky becomes awash with both scattered scarlet stars and animated dragon eggs. Fired in pairs, these would look, and sound, outstanding!

Glitter Willow Tail - Noise Rating 2/10 - 29 Seconds - Cost £24.96

Taking fourth place Is Glitter Willow Tail and as is its name suggests, this barrage launches 16 red glittering willows upon golden charcoal tails. The reds produced have a cherry crimson hue and being low noise, this firework is ideal for displays where loud noise is a concern. Glitter Willow Tail is magnificently majestic, and its garnet glitter is truly elegant.

Mosquito - Noise Rating 9/10 - 42 Seconds - Cost £69.96

In stark contrast to Glitter Willow Tail, Mosquito is both loud and proud! A hefty 49 shots leave maximum sized 30mm tubes to provide humongous red glittering willows and shimmering vermilion stars feature from start to finish. We have all heard about mosquitos taking blood, but this mosquito certainly gives plenty back as blood-red stars twinkle at the tips of each and every dirty gold willow, and it does it with a bang!

Screaming Demons - Noise Rating 9/10 - 10 Seconds - Cost £39.96

Screaming Demons from Vivid Pyrotechnics is extremely distinctive and there is no mistaking its sound or visuals. The cake fires all 25 shots in just 10 seconds, creating a frenzy of action, and howling serpents race high into the night sky before finally bursting to very vivid red falling leaves. The carmine falling leaves hang extremely well and give a tranquil sequence which is a stark contrast to the initial effect which is loud and eerie.

Armistice - Noise Rating 9/10 - 42 Seconds - Cost £59.94

Specifically made in remembrance of those who died during conflict, Armistice emits no less than 100 vivid red mines, whilst a swarm of matching red peony bursts fill the sky above. Giving a spectacular performance which is purely ruby red, this barrage is ideal for those celebrating Remembrance Day, Valentine's Day, a Ruby Wedding Anniversary or perhaps even Red Nose Day!

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