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The 36th Annual Tonegawa Fireworks Festival will take place in Sakaimachi, Japan this year!

A highly respected and anticipated event in this region of Japan, the Tonegawa festival will be one to look forward to for anyone who is lucky enough to be able to attend.

第35回利根川大花火大会 35th Tonegawa Fireworks Festival

The show itself will last a whole 90 minutes, making this much longer than most shows you will find in the UK, and the number of fireworks used is even more astounding, 30,000!

The Tone River in Japan is regarded as one of the countries greatest rivers, with its source beginning at Mount Ominakami and the river stretches a total of 200 miles, making it the second longest river in Japan.

The Japanese really take fireworks seriously, and the shells you will see at this festival are some of the best, most technical and most beautiful in the world. Every single one unique and special, with effects that are rarely seen. The dedication of the manufacturers and the firing teams really shines through.

The four teams involved in manufacturing, setting up and firing the display are as follows:

• Yamazaki Smoke Factory
• Nomura Fireworks Industry
• Beniya Aoki Fireworks
• Margaux

Prices start from 5000 Yen, which is an absolute steal considering the quality and quantity of fireworks on show. Alternatively, you can upgrade your ticket to a premium seat with a table, which would provide you with the most outstanding view of the show.

Information regarding tickets, access via public transport, updates and news is all available on the official event website, which can be found here.

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