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The Largest Firework Display. Guinness World Records

The Largest Firework Display. Guinness World Records

The record for the largest firework display was achieved by Macedo`S Pirotecnia Lda. in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, on 31 December 2006 which consisted of 66,326 fireworks. They were set-off at 37 launch sites spread across the island of Madeira.

The company in charge of the pyro are no strangers to awards as they have captured just about every known accolade available in the industry. Their impressive track record includes both national and international recognition including winners of the Ignis Brunensis, World Pyro awards Germany, International Fireworks Competition in Macau China, and the Feux D’Artifice Monaco.

As is the case with any Guinness World Record, it was beaten in Kuwait on 10th November 2012 by Italian Company Parente fireworks with a total of 77,282 (YES, that is seventy-seven thousand two hundred and eighty-two) fireworks being sent up to light the skies over a distance of 5 kilometres and lasted 64 minutes.

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