Pyrofest 2015
WHAT: Pyrofest 2015
WHERE: Coopers Lake, Butler County, Pennsylvania
WHEN: Friday 22nd May & Saturday 23rd May 2015
WHY: It's a community pyrotechnic event
The event is the brainchild of fireworks display company Pyrotecnico, who use special effects and lasers to create bespoke displays for businesses and individuals around the World.
Having travelled extensively in search of the best products, they found that there was nothing available to showcase expertise and to just celebrate the art of fireworks so they decided to create an event of their own and Pyrofest was born.
Pyrotecnico was established in 1889 in Pietramelara, Italy by Constantino Vitale; another of the Italian ‘firework families’ who emigrated to the States in 1920. He brought with him a wealth of knowledge and expertise which he passed onto the following generations and the rest they say is history. They are now responsible for over 2000 shows a week.
PyroFest was first held on Saturday, May 26th (Memorial Day Weekend) 2012, and since its inception, the event has continued to capture the imaginations of locals and visitors alike. As we enter the forth year, it has turned into a two-day event packed to the rafters with pyro and full on entertainment.
The ‘Fantasy in the Sky Challenge’ is a unique and once in a lifetime chance to fire a display of your own creation. Anyone who owns their own ‘Finale Fireworks’ software, is invited to create a full display around a family friendly soundtrack. The plethora of designs are then submitted to the adjudicators to choose a Grand Prize winner and a runner-up who will both get the opportunity to set up and fire their own display live during the two-day event. I have only one thing to say …. WOW, what an opportunity!
There will be unique day and night firework displays featuring some of the best pyro companies from Europe and around the US. Non competing displays will be supplied by host’s Pyrotecnico, Ricardo Caballer Ricasa and a consumer display from Phantom Fireworks to show the crowds what is available to the general public and what they can achieve on their own.
Ricardo Caballer Ricasa is one of the foremost display companies in Europe established in 1881. They have been responsible for the fantastic pyro at the opening ceremonies Sydney Olympics in 2000 and Sochi for the Winter Olympics in 2014 they bring extra colour to the event with their creativity.
The team from Caballer have featured for the last couple of years and they always bring something special. Check out the 2013 event video:
The fireworks line up:
Friday 22nd May 2015
7:15 Daytime coloured smoke and salute firework display
9:05 Consumer Fireworks display video
9:15 ‘Fantasy in the Sky’ fireworks challenge runner-up display
9:45 Pyro musical production (TBA)
10:20 ‘Voyage through the Universe’ from the team from Pyrotecnico
Saturday 23rd May 2015
5:30 Opening ‘Noise and Salute’ firework display
7:45 Military Tribute & National Anthem Daytime firework display
9:05 Phantom Fireworks Consumer Display
9:15 ‘Fantasy in the Sky’ Grand-prize winner display
9:45 ‘World Premier of the Ricardo Caballer Ricassa fireworks production
10:20 Finale – the World Premier of a new Pyrotecnico Production
A full programme of all the events is available on their website which include food and drink concessions, a ‘Kidzone’ activity area for the children and live music and entertainment throughout.
There are very few restrictions in place on this massive site other than the usual, strictly no fireworks, no alcohol and no pets and under 6’s go free and there are student discounts for 7-25 year olds.
More information will be made available about the competing teams and ticketing pricing over the next few weeks so I will bring it to you then.