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We know that sometimes when you celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or special occasion, it’s nice to let everyone know!

With the following fireworks, nobody will be able to ignore your party. Here are some of our best and most earth-shattering fireworks.

Name: Dum Bum 100 Shot
Noise Rating: 10/10
Special Features: The Dum Bum range has always been famous (or infamous) for its huge skull-shaking noises and getting hold of them in the UK now is getting tricky! Lucky for you, we have plenty of the Dum Bum 100 Shot in stock. With a vertical firing effect, and an additional visual effect including a mine lift and stars, this is truly an experience to behold. A bonus is that this barrage will last a whole minute!
Duration: 60 seconds
Price: 199.98

Name: Dum Bum Noise Pack
Noise Rating: 11/10
Special Features: If you are a fan of the Dum Bum range, look no further! This noise pack comes complete with 16 separate Dum Bum pieces for you to fire off and enjoy. Every firework packs a punch, leaving you wanting more and more. With a range of visual effects, as well as that famous noise level associated with Dum Bum fireworks, why not add a bang to your celebration, and leave guests astonished?
Duration: 180 seconds (back-to-back.)
Price: £199.98

Name: Gigant Rocket Pack
Noise Rating: 10/10
Special Features: These rockets will blow your socks off! Reportedly the loudest rockets on the UK market, they are classed as Salute rockets due to their extremely high noise level. With four in a pack, we think these rockets are an absolute bargain for anyone trying to scratch that noise-itch.
Blasting upward and creating crackling tails before exploding violently at peak altitude, these rockets will not disappoint you.
Duration: N/A
Price: £24.96

Name: Brocade War Fan 98 Shot
Noise Rating: 10/10
Special Features: Another one of the loudest fireworks on the UK market, Brocade War Fan 98 Shot will leave you in awe. Along with it’s magnificent sound though, comes one of the most visually stunning fireworks we’ve seen. Huge brocades hang in the sky with stunning multicoloured tips, along with silver mines and salute volleys. This piece as a finale is just perfection.
Duration: 60 seconds
Price: £199.98

Name: VSR2 Rocket Pack
Noise Rating: 9/10
Special Features: A stunning pack of rockets by Vivid. Combining HUGE noise with some of the most gorgeous visual effects and colours rockets can produce. Each one coming with a different effect that will astonish and surprise, these rockets are a winner.
Duration: N/A
Price: £24.96

Name: Black Hawk Rockets
Noise Rating: 10/10
Special Features: 5 Hawk Style extremely powerful rockets, with huge bursts! They also burst at a relatively low altitude compared to other similar rockets, meaning the volume will certainly be turned up, and make you feel a little closer to the action! The best thing about these rockets is their value for money! Pure quality for a lower price.
Duration: N/A
Price: £19.98

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Previous article Fleet Lions Celebrate £38,000 Success at Charity Firework Event - And How You Can Do The Same