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Old Firework Poster - Brocks 'Crystal Palace' Fireworks

Old Firework Poster - Brocks 'Crystal Palace' Fireworks

Brock's Fireworks was founded in the early 18th century by John Brock. Brock was one of the major players in the drawing up of the Explosives Act of 1875 which is the standard still used to this day for the manufacture, storage, and transportation of explosives.

In the early 20th century, Henry Brock built housing and a Sports and Social Club for his workers to ensure that they maintained a certain standard of living which unfortunately was lacking at the time.

The company remains historically linked closely with London as they put on a series of spectacular free displays, referred to as ‘Brock's Benefits’ from 1865 to 1936 in the grounds near the Crystal Palace, hence the reference on the poster above.

In 1988, Brock's manufacturing in Scotland was bought out by Standard Fireworks and all production moved to Yorkshire.

Brock's Fireworks Ltd is still closely connected with the fireworks industry although the company is not currently trading. They state that their aim is to bring firework production back to the UK shores to continue the legacy of Brock's through the 21st Century.

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