Last year, mayor of London, Boris Johnson introduced the ticket only viewing of the New Year's Eve fireworks in the capital much to the chagrin of people who usually go into the City to see in the New Year in style.
The decision was taken in spite of the fact that they will only be selling 350,000 tickets and the crowds were previously around the 3 million mark! This action cannot possibly generate the same amount of money to the area brought previously by the huge visitor numbers.
Whilst is it easy enough to see the rationale behind reducing the number of people in attendance because of the ‘overstretched emergency and support services’, surely they could come up with a better and more effective way of doing this. Of course we are hardly going to be told just how much of a drop there was in money generated to the area on NYE 2015 in comparison to the previous year as this would prove our point, but having had family go along for the last 2 years (one ticketed and one not) there was no noticeable reduction in the number of people in the City Centre as when all said and done, visitors swarmed there before the fireworks became a feature and visitors will ALWAYS go to central London on NYE long after we are all no more.
Of course, ticketed or not, the fireworks are absolutely spectacular and still bring in TV viewers from across the world as one of NYE ‘must see’ events.
If you do want to go along, bearing in mind the small number of tickets on offer, we recommend that you get yours as soon as possible. The first batch goes on sale Friday 19th June 2015.
If there was any positive to be had from the ticketing situation, it has to be that you no longer have to set up camp on the banks of the Thames mid afternoon just to get a spot but make no mistake, you are not going to be able to nonchalantly stroll up to the viewing areas at ten to midnight and expect to be able to get a good vantage point.
If you need a reminder of last year’s firework spectacular, check out the video.