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New Years Eve in Taipei

The upcoming 2010 New Year fireworks show at Taipei 101 (one of the world's tallest skyscrapers) will be the most spectacular and colourful ever presented by the organisers, an official said Wednesday.

This will be the sixth year that the tower will ring in the New Year with a dazzling fireworks show and a record NT$30 million on the show will be spent on the show, which is NT$10 million more than last year, in response to complaints by revellers that the 2009 event was not exciting enough.

Taipei 101 greets New Year 2008 with fireworks

Some 22,000 fireworks will be launched, the most ever and 6,600 more than last year. The angles covered by the 2010 show will be the widest in history, with fireworks to be launched at angles of 180 degrees, 90 degrees, 45 degrees and 30 degrees from the Taipei 101 tower.

The show will also feature moving displays such as fire wheels, drifting stars and bouquet showers that will come in a full range of colours, including gold, silver, red, green, blue, purple and yellows as part of the celebrations, a New Year's Eve party will be held at the Taipei 101 observatory on the 89th floor of the building, and partygoers will be treated to presentations of magic shows, a live band performance and a close up view of the fireworks show.

The party will be limited to 1,000 people and the tickets will cost NT$2,010 each.

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