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New Fireworks For 2012

We are just getting our breath back after the massive event that was held in celebration of The Queen’s 60th Year as our Monarch and our minds are already wandering to those which are yet to arrive here.

As many of you are aware, we have always prided ourselves on being the forerunners in new innovative pyro products for the consumer market here in the UK.

Whilst it may appear to be a simple task to bring in new fireworks, this is not the case. In the first instance, as many of you know, we make a number of trips to China each year but non as important as the first. This year, due to the Chinese New Year, we went over to China a little later in the divine hope that it may be a little warmer – not to be I’m afraid as it was colder than ever and due to the nature of the product, all the factories visited are some way out of the City and no heating to be found.

However, this didn’t dampen our spirits and we left China with the hope of bringing in 50 new pieces this year which range from 16 to 1500 shots.

Each of the new products is tested independently to ensure BS safety standards are met. Then, the fireworks are broken down in great detail and the chemical drawings are registered with HSE. If they consider that all is well, they issue a CAD (competence authority document) which gives the green light for the dispatch of the goods.

Whilst all this is being processed, behind the scenes, the artwork for the products is drawn up and sent over to China to the manufacturers in readiness for the go ahead.

Of the 50 new products we hope to bring in, we have chosen a handful to give you a description of.

Moving Target – 105 shot SIB fan – 25 seconds – relatively lower noise than some of the other big boys but nevertheless has excellent timing and fantastic colours. A great addition to the range.

Tank Buster – 100 shot SIB – 40 seconds – back to the noisy ones. This is high colour spectacular with fabulous breaks and a clear differential between the colours which are lit together. A lovely mid display piece.

Dragon Warrior – 16 shot SIB – 20 seconds – a bit like having lots of small rockets go up repeatedly. A lovely showing whilst only short.

So all told, we are now waiting with bated breath for the final go ahead and our goodies will be on their way. We will let you know when they are to arrive and I am sure that we will see as many of you as possible at our show night. Keep your eyes on the official Epic Fireworks YouTube Channel for more information.

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