Mexican Independence Day Fireworks
Congratulations to Mexico. Celebrating Independence Day today the 16th of September.
Mexicans celebrate their nation's birth by invoking El Grito de Independencia, the "shout of independence" uttered by the priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in 1810 in which he cried the immortal line:
"Long live the Virgin of Guadalupe, & Death to the Spaniards!".
A dramatic re-enactment of the revolutionary Father Hidalgo's call to his fellow Mexicans to join the uprising - takes place in city halls throughout the country. Mexican flags are seemingly on display everywhere you go and celebrations continue late into the night. On 16 September, military parades are held in most Mexican cities.
It is a time of great national pride and a celebration of Mexico's cultural identity during which fireworks play an important part of the activities.
And in our own way, we honour the Mexican people, with our favourite video of Mexican Fireworks.
The Classic, Mexican Hammer Fireworks, Enjoy!