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WHEN: 24th, 27th, AND 30th APRIL AND 4th MAY 2019

Every year since 2003, the stunning Island of Malta has held a Pyro-musical event which brings together both the local firework factories and international display companies for the entertainment of the masses.

Fireworks, in general, are a year around pastime over in Malta and they love em. Whether the usual Maltese Shells (which are expertly hand made and specially created shells) or the Nar tal-Art (mechanized ground firework festival).

There are 35 firework factories on the Island which are all fiercely competitive but due to the large numbers covering such a small area and given that almost every old householder there is also involved in the production of pyrotechnics in some way, sadly, this does also give rise to an increase in the number of firework-related incidents on the island. The factories each have their own professional team involved in both the mechanical firework competition and the International Pyro-musical Competitions held annually.

The Feast days or ‘Festi’ have always been celebrations around the numerous Saint’s days and are a true spectacle and were originally musket fire and cannon shot referred to as ‘Feu de Joie’ (fire of joy) which were used for the birth of a new Royal Baby, the election of a new Pope or indeed the election of a new Grand Master of the Order of Knights.

Last year, the competition was won by the USA represented by Rozzi Fireworks who picked up the Gold Award. Rozzi was founded in 1895 by the great grandfather of the current director of the company who emigrated to the USA from Italy. Rozzi was one of the original companies to choreograph pyro and music together and today, create spectacular displays for everything from small community events to full-on spectacles for hundreds of thousands of spectators.

Local team St Mary’s Ghaxaq received the first runner up and the team from Phoenix Fireworks in the UK lifted the second runner up award. They were all incredible, but I have to say the specialist shells used in the display from St Mary’s were just stunning.

We will bring you more information about the competition entrants once it is made available.

MTA Fireworks Festival 2019 from VisitMalta on Vimeo.



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