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Liquid Fireworks

Liquid Fireworks

It's raining Fireworks!

This beautiful medium gives you the effect of fireworks using very clever lighting and water. The effects include all the colours of the rainbow reflected off the falling water and this is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to fireworks, particularly where they would not be appropriate.

There are a number of ‘Liquid Firework’ companies now but the original idea was brought to the forefront of entertainment by a team of men from the Isle of Wight who have created some staggeringly beautiful displays.

The brainchild of a 1930’s German inventor Otto Pryzstawik he brought the concept of musical fountains to the world and in 1964, his son took the idea to the USA and ‘Waltzing Waters’ was born and everything else is history. Now they have outlets in Scotland and in the Isle of Wight where their business continues to grow, attracting custom from across the world. The Sultan of Brunei was so impressed he had a musical fountain display when he celebrated his 50th birthday.

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