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Limerick ready for Skyfest fireworks and music

WHAT: Skyfest Spectacular
WHERE: King Johns Castle, Limerick
WHEN: Saturday 13th March 2010
WHAT TIME: 7.30pm
BEST SPOTS: Along the River Shannon

13th March 2010, book your day off now; you are going to need it. In fact, book the week off, Limerick has it covered.

The annual Skyfest spectacular which has the people dancing in the streets and lights in the sky will be held in Limerick this year. This is only the 3rd time that the fireworks and musical event will take place outside of Ireland’s capital and promises to be, and I quote, an "exceptional pyro-musical presentation where dazzling colours and explosive effects are choreographed to an amazing soundtrack".

And Limerick is the place for it, home of the second largest St Patrick's Day parade in Ireland so it makes perfect sense to host one of Ireland’s most incredible outdoor events of the year; The Skyfest spectacular.

The Skyfest is the start to the “I Love Limerick” themed St. Patrick’s Day events and with the magnificent backdrop of King Johns Castle; this promises to be one of the highlights of Limericks many St Patrick’s Day festivities. To give you an idea of the scale of this display, 30 people have toiled laboriously for 6 days to rig up and set off nearly 3 tonnes of fireworks, that’s a lot of pyro!

For the best views in the city, look for the River Shannon and turn your eyes towards King Johns Castle, we recommend getting there good and early to find a nice spot. The fireworks start at 7.30pm or 8pm, still waiting for confirmation on that but there will be plenty to see and do when you are waiting with street entertainment to keep the crowds occupied until the main event, fireworks!

Limerick - King John Castle

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