Is the "Echo Bomb" Rocket the Loudest you can buy in the UK?
Get your ear plugs in now.
The stunning Echo Bomb by Paramount Fireworks is already causing a stir.
With 5 earth-shattering rockets to a pack this is a fantastic way of getting extremely loud bangs for your buck. The rocket soars to around 150 feet before exploding with an incredible report and a pretty silver peony. If you like lots of noise, and you like it loud, this is for you, but don't take our word for it read some customer testimonials -
If you like LOUD!!! then these are for you. They are O.M.G Loud, I loved them and my 3yr old is still asking daddy if he has any more of the "WOOSH & BANG" rockets...haha.
yeah you were right about this one too! We set off all 5 at the same time it was mad. Very Very Very Loud. Just as you said. Quality stuff guys 10/10
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