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International Fireworks Festival in Scheveningen

International Fireworks Festival in Scheveningen

Scheveningen fireworks

This weekend saw the skies above Scheveningen light up with beautiful fireworks as the 34th annual International Fireworks Festival got underway.

Scheveningen is one of the districts of The Hague in South Holland and is a beautiful, modern seaside resort with the pre-requisite sandy beach, esplanade, pier and lighthouse as well as a nudist beach around a kilometre to the North. It is a very popular resort for windsurfers and kite-boarders alike.

The fireworks festival is hugely popular and this weekend saw crowds of around 140,000 flocking to the seafront to take in the beauty and spectacle of the fireworks displays from the international competing countries. Friday saw Belgium and Germany’s brilliant displays and on Saturday, the crowds were able to take in the pyro of China and Australia. Next weekend, another four teams will battle it out to be crowned the overall champions.

The event is held annually to raise money for charity. This year, they are sponsoring the Rare Diseases Fund which offers life-saving research into conditions which affect less than 1 in 2000 like Pompe Disease and Marshall Smith Syndrome. Many of the diseases supported affect children like cancers and metabolic disorders.

As well and the brilliant fireworks, the spectators are able to enjoy the numerous Cafés and Restaurants along the seafront taking in some of the other entertainment including fire-eaters, jugglers, dance and music groups. Although the fireworks can be viewed from any number of places due to the flat geography of the area, the beachfront or one of the many cafes’s along the esplanade appear to be favoured.

The rules of the competition are as follows:

• Same budget
• 80% of the fireworks must be produced in their own country
• 11-13 minute display

This coming weekend, the remaining competitors get to battle it out for the title:

• Friday 23rd August – Spain and South Korea
• Saturday 24th August – Japan and the Netherlands.

If you are visiting the region and get the opportunity to visit this or any other fireworks display, let us know and we will feature it on our website for other pyro lovers to check out.

If you are holding a fireworks display and would like to consider using some of our brilliant products, get in touch today.

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