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When purchasing fireworks, whether they're soaring rockets, vibrant flare fireworks, or captivating Catherine wheels, it's imperative to scrutinise the accompanying information. This includes details about the fireworks' shelf life and the proper storage methods to ensure both safety and optimal performance. 

To avoid such concerns, it's advisable to exclusively procure fireworks from reputable sources. Ensuring that your fireworks are CE certified and safe to use minimises the potential for problems during their ignition.

Determining the Shelf Life of Fireworks

Most of us are familiar with the basics of fireworks – the moment they ignite, they shoot skyward and explode, crafting a breathtaking spectacle for friends and family. But what about the period before that grand explosion? What do you need to know about storing fireworks safely? Before delving into the storage timeframe, it's essential to recognize that fireworks are classified differently, and each category demands distinct storage conditions.

Hazard Type 1: These fireworks present a significant hazard risk due to their potential for a mass explosion, with the entire explosive component detonating simultaneously. Typically, these are reserved for licensed professionals and aren't typically found in local stores. WE DO NOT SELL HAZARD TYPE 1.

Hazard Type 2: While not prone to mass explosions like Type 1, these fireworks can still pose a serious projectile hazard. They can launch objects or materials that may cause harm. Just like Type 1, they're best handled by professionals. WE DO NOT SELL HAZARD TYPE 2.

Hazard Type 3: These fireworks present a potential fire hazard and can cause minor blasts or projections. Although still dangerous, they don't inflict as much damage as Type 1 and 2. You can store up to 100kg of Type 3 fireworks for a maximum of 5 days. If you have 5kgs or less, they can be safely stored indefinitely. For quantities exceeding 100kg, a license is required, and storage is limited to 3 days.

Hazard Type 4: These are the fireworks typically available for personal use, like back garden bonfires, and are commonly found in local shops or online. While they should be treated with care, they represent a low hazard as they don't explode or project. Instead, they can be ignited. You can safely store 5kg of Type 4 fireworks indefinitely, 50kg for up to 3 weeks, and 250kg for a maximum of 3 days.

Proper Fireworks Storage Practices

While the specific storage requirements vary by hazard type, there are some general safety measures to adhere to:

No Smoking: Do not smoke around stored fireworks or when handling them.

Keep Dry: Maintain a dry storage environment, ideally temperature-controlled. Damp fireworks should be discarded.

Licence: If storing over 50kg of fireworks, ensure you have the necessary licence.

Sealed Packaging: Wrap fireworks in plastic bags or sealed bin liners to keep them safe and dry.

Child Safety: Always keep fireworks out of the reach of children.

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