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6 sky thillers - set em all off together and you truly will light up the skies

We did it – another season completed without any major hiccups. We have delivered all the fireworks on time and all customers are happy. It’s the day after Bonfire Night and the complete madness is over at Epic Headquarters in Tankersley, Sheffield.

Opening at 8am Saturday morning we actually had customers arrive as we, so the first customer was at the till at 7.24am (mmmm, toast in one hand, tea in the other!!) business day was under way. The staff all donned their comfiest shoes and the epic ninja’s (our warehouse boys – who are quite frankly magnificent) were fully refuelled on tea, toast and that energy drink that gives you wings and we are set.

Spending anything from £25.00 to £2000, we served around 500 people.

On Friday the 4th, we started at 7.15am with our first shop order and the last customer left at 8.25pm and we served over 600 people.

Over the last 100 days, we have made over 1000 breakfasts (toast, bacon sandwiches and assorted cereals) over 3000 cups of tea, coffee and chocolate and given away over 200 cans of cola and 100 bottles of juice and water for the children. Our customers have eaten their way through 80 kilos of roses, celebrations and quality street chocolates.

Bruce the dog has had what equates to 10 packs of dog chews, bones and treats from our lovely customers along with a selection of chocolates, sandwiches and leftovers.

We have seen old friends and new and served them all with bright sparklers and an array of all manner of things in between.

So, now we make preparations for China and check out what we are going to have developed this year which is always a really exciting time too. We have a number of ideas and will share them with you in time for next year.

We have laughed with customers and had an all round fantastically busy season so to one and all, whether you ordered by telephone or internet or popped along to the showrooms in South Yorkshire THANK YOU ALL and don’t forget to come to see us in Tankersley if you are having a celebration for a birthday, anniversary, wedding or for New Years Eve.

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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Five - Roman Candles, Everything You Need to Know