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Final Round Of Thai International Fireworks Contest This Weekend

There are not many of us that wouldn’t welcome some warm weather at the moment, and I am no exception to that rule. How about a trip to Thailand to see the final rounds of the International Fireworks competition, being held in honor of the King and Queen of Thailand?

Nine nations are competing for this coveted title and they all want to be at the top of the pyro royalty listings. The teams taking part are representing Australia, China, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Philippines, the United Arab Emirates and the United States who will put it down against Thailand to see which country can put on the most dynamic and colourful exhibition.

Once again this year, the fireworks will be launched from the floating platforms in the Pattaya Bay instead of the Bali Hai Pier which was always used in the past.

Tonight and tomorrow will be the fifth and final round of the contest which has been closely fought for the last 2 years.

The organisers would like to state that this fabulous musical show will feature over a hundred thousand fireworks and is likely to be visible for up to three kilometres.

The display below is from last New Year which is the end of the first year of celebrations and heralded the arrival of 2011

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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Fourteen - Displays in a Small Garden