By now most of us have recovered from the New Year celebrations, and what a night it was!!
Australia is always the first we see, streamed live at around 1pm UK time, although we were impressed as the rest of the world was, it wasn’t until midnight we see what I thought was the best display of the year.
Drones and Go Pro cams are becoming more and more popular these days being used for various reasons from fun pursuits such as filming the action as we hurtle down mountain paths on our all-terrain cycles hanging on for dear life. They also offer a chance at YouTube fame should it all go wrong and applications for use of these covert cameras are used to search in disaster struck areas, probing for survivors in impossible to reach situations or for nature conservation, observing the colonies of birds dotted around our islands cliffs without alarming them, making sure all is well.
Whatever the reason for owning one of these now inexpensive technological marvels, combing the Drone with a high spec 4k camera and flying through a fireworks display which certainly has to be one of the best reasons to use them in our considered opinion.
On New Year’s Eve, across the world these flying machines were out in force capturing the displays for prosperity these “Drones” or “Quad-Coptors” which can be picked up from a couple of hundred pounds, climbing to a couple of thousand for the better ones.
Whilst laws on the use of these gadgets can vary around the world, operation is becoming tighter, most counties are taking more interest recently due to the “security concerns” as their versatility is becoming more apparent, human ingenuity being what it is there are people have adapted the use of the Drones for many purposes, from farmers in the Highlands of Scotland keeping a beady eye on their prize cattle from the comfort of the farm, to commercial and military airports disguising them as falcons in an attempt to prevent flocks of birds damaging the jet engines and risking the loss of life.
If you filmed your Epic New Year display please send us a link and we will add it to the collection.