Edinburgh Military Tattoo celebrates 250 years of Rabbie Burns
2009 sees Scotland's colourful military musical spectacular celebrate its 60th season while paying tribute to the 250th anniversary of the birth of Scotland's national bard, Robert Burns, and playing its part in Scotland's first-ever year of Homecoming. A cosmopolitan cast of top-class talent will be present, including highlights such as the world-famous Massed Pipes & Drums, the Massed Bands of The Royal Air Force, Switzerland's Top Secret Drum Corps, along with highland dancing, the Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, the traditional haunting notes of the Lone Piper and, in their first Tattoo appearance, the Central Band of the Swiss Army.
There will be four separate fireworks displays at the tattoo this year, the final night is on the 29th of August and if you have not booked your tickets by now. Start thinking about booking for next year instead.