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As the 2017 BFN season starts to gather momentum, we would like to take this opportunity to highlight some information to help to keep you, your family and pets safe and well.

Here at Epic, we are passionate about using pyrotechnics safely and not to the detriment of the local elderly, a beloved pet or indeed the local wildlife. It would be great if everyone could escape injury
all the time but accidents whether caused by a mishap or sheer foolishness there may be some minor burns to deal with.

Any display which includes fireworks and sparklers, whether it’s a few people at your property or indeed a sizeable crowd, should always have a water source close by. This should include a couple
of buckets of water and a hosepipe which is primed and ready to rock and roll. If someone suffers a burn, it is imperative to take immediate steps to treat the patient to avoid unnecessary pain and
suffering. Begin by running cool clean water over the affected area for at least 10-15 minutes. Follow this treatment by placing a clean damp towel over the burn and seeking medical assistance.

Next on the list; Pets. Now whether this includes your huge German Shepherd or a tiny little Bichon Frise, any animal can react badly to the loud noise, screeches, and whistles created by fireworks.
Data shows that an estimated 45% of all dogs will show signs of fear throughout BFN. However, if you take a few easy and well-timed steps you will reduce your pet’s anxiety making the situation a
great deal less worrying.

1. Hiding place – make sure your pet has somewhere they can hide throughout the BFN season. A cupboard, under the table or another item of furniture, is ideal. Just remember that if your pet has decided to hide out under the table containing your best lead crystal,
make sure to move it to avoid breakages.

2. Walkies - Make sure you walk your pet during daylight hours as this will avoid the additional worry of perhaps being out when the displays begin.

3. Dull the noise - Close curtains, turn the radio or TV on to lessen the noise.

4. Please be sure that your pet is microchipped just on the off chance that they escape so they can be reunited with you.

5. Outdoor pets - Cover small outdoor pet cages with carpet or a cover which will help to dull the noise and put additional bedding in with your rabbit or guinea pig which again will reduce stress.

6. A bonfire just looks like an ideal home exhibition to a small animal so we recommend that you collect all the materials for the Bonfire in a separate place to where it is to be lit so that any ‘visitors’ can escape to safety. Immediately before lighting, we also recommend you go around and prod around the base of the fire again to remove any hedgehogs etc.

Above all, stay safe and enjoy the fireworks safely and keep in mind the animals that need to be taken care of. Have a fantastic BFN and if you need help or advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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