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The 2016 Blackpool World Firework Championships get under way on 9th September with the first of three competing teams taking it to the skies over the Irish Sea.

First competed for in 1999, the competition continues to grow in size along with the support it receives from the general public, it has certainly positioned itself as one of the best FREE display events in the UK today.

The firework displays take part each Friday from 9th in competition format and the finale will be UK-based company Titanium Fireworks who will entertain the crowds whilst the winners are announced.

New for this year, there will be a 3D show projected onto the front of the famous Tower building. The event also takes place during the town’s busiest time – BLACKPOOL ILLUMINATIONS so you have two reasons to pop over and enjoy the free family fun and entertainment on offer.

If you do have smaller children, why not make a weekend of it and take them along to the Wild West Diner where they can eat ‘cowboy and western themed’ style and the menu (including breakfast items like pancakes and eggs all day) will have something to suit even the fussiest of eaters. Alternatively, there are some family themed bars/restaurants along the sea front facing the fireworks.

Of course, the entertainment includes the usual amusements etc but you could also visit the sea-life centre or the zoo.

World Champioship Fireworks - Blackpool

Competing team at this year’s event are as follows:

Friday 9th September 2016 - Skylighter Fireworks - Australia

Established in 1999 Skylighter Fireworks have carried out some of the most prestigious work on the Southern Continent and continued to expand until last year, when Fireworx by Ian Riedel merged with them to create Skylighter Fireworx.

Friday 16th September 2016 – Privatex Pyro - Slovakia

The team have competed on every continent and continue to hone their skills on the World stage with an appearance here at Blackpool. This year, they have competed in Courcheval and at Ignis Brunensis as well as the International Festival of Dancing Fireworks where they narrowly missed out to the team from Pyrotex Fireworx from Derby.

Friday 23rd September 2016 – Rozzi’s Famous Fireworks – USA

The last team in the competition hail from Cincinnati in the USA. One of the original ‘Italian Firework Families’ they have been in the pyro business since before they moved to Cincinnati in 1895 (yes, 120 years!!). They have of course over the years performed throughout the states and many other countries and continents beyond.

Friday 30th September – Celebration display by Titanium Fireworks and winner announcement

Once all three teams have shown their wares, the finale will take place on September 30th when Titanium Fireworks take to the skies whilst the winner is announced.

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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Twelve - Choosing the Right fireworks for your display