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Birthday Fireworks - A New Phenomenon

Fireworks Cake

Fireworks are now expanding beyond the Bonfire Night displays of yesteryear and this is largely thanks to the millennium celebrations during which it became the ‘in-thing’ to have a firework display to rival that of the cities around the rest of the World which had taken the initiative to hold firework displays for many years prior.

Fireworks are now used to celebrate weddings, birthdays, special anniversaries, product launches and on occasion, to celebrate the life of a lost loved one. This is particularly relevant in the case of the lantern.

Here at Epic, we liaise with customers wanting a ‘few garden fireworks’ for the little ones all the way to the massive celebratory displays held by our more famous clientele for their family and friends.

What would you like to celebrate this year in style? Your fortieth birthday (bah humbug), your son/daughters education successes at University? A 21st or 18th Birthday celebration or are you getting married and want something to add the final wow factor to your wedding? We have a display for every occasion. Our garden fireworks packs start from as little as £3.14 for the Superstar selection box all the way up to the massive Ultimate Bonfire display pack at £2000.00 which is a guaranteed wow factor.

The Epic team will help you with set up plans, firing order and what to do in the event of bad weather. We will happily liaise with your family/friend who will light the display for you to ensure that they have a complete understanding and you are welcome to call for advice at any time.

Or maybe, you would just like a rocket to let your loved one know how much you care. We have the largest selection of ‘big rockets’ in the UK and can even show you a video in the store of each in the air to ensure that you are fully conversant with the effects to expect. We have everything from smiley faces to love hearts on offer.

So, if you are in the Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire or Derbyshire region and would like to come along to discuss your needs with an expert in the field of pyrotechnics, just call in to see us in Tankersley or give us a ring and we will chat about your requirements.

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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Eleven – How to Budget for Your Display