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America Celebrates The Coming Of The Festive Season In Style With Fireworks

Welcome 2011, Happy New Year, Seattle Space Needle, red and white blue haze fireworks, Washington, USA

There appears to have been a massive increase in festive spirit lately and nowhere more so that in the USA at the moment.

As the US celebrate Thanksgiving, it is easy to see why their holiday spirit is already well established and they appear to keep the momentum going all the way through until New Year.

With Christmas just around the corner now, we have been searching for some of the big events which are planning to feature fireworks in their holiday build up celebrations.

Here are just a few and a little about the upcoming events:


Poughkeepsie has held an annual Celebration of Lights for the last 9-years and this year is no different. Including a parade to the shore’s of the Hudson River, there will be a huge fireworks display, a tree lighting ceremony and Santa arriving in Town on the back of a fire engine. The event costs $5 to attend if you wish to stand on the Bridge over the Hudson but I am quite sure that the fireworks will be seen from all across the City for no cost but as they will be collecting for good causes, I am sure a couple of dollars will find their way into the collection buckets even for those who are unable to visit the River themselves.


The town has a long tradition of staring the Winter Holiday season with a fireworks display. It continues to take place on the Saturday after Thanksgiving and is entering its 14th Year. Events will include a tree lighting ceremony, the Annual Bachelor's Ball/Wilderness Woman competitions and is really about celebrating community spirit in the region.

The event is sponsored by businessman Stan Guthrie who sees the event as his opportunity to give back to the community who support small local businesses like his throughout the year. He has a saying ‘Fireworks spark laughter which builds communities’ which he will strive to continue for as long as he can afford to do so.


The people of Witchita Kansas are having a ‘Night With Santa’ on Tuesday 4th December between 6:00pm and 8:30pm. There will be a tree lighting ceremony carnival games, bingo, a cake walk (a bit like musical chairs but you win a cake when you are standing on the right numbered square), a benefit concert and of course, some stunning pyro.

The fireworks will be lit over the beautiful Arkansas River and I am sure will be absolutely stunning.


Manhattan New York celebrates the Centennial of the City with a HUGE fireworks event on December 9th. There will be two massive state of the art pyro shows set across 8 locations on the Beach and the Pier. The firers have referred to it as a ‘dream show’ and it is certain to wow visitors to the area for its sheer size.

The event will also include the snow-park, five soft sledge runs and bouncing balloons. Whilst there is no admission to the event, donations of tinned food, unwrapped gifts or cash are accepted as this will be taken for charity.

The event also includes a flyover by the US Navy, a dance party and a rock and roll band.

The upshot of it all is, whilst we do things on a much smaller scale, we are not shy when it comes to celebrating Christmas. Whether yours is a deeply religious affair, an opportunity to get the family together once a year or indeed a fun-filled event, fireworks can only add to the magic so get yourself along to EPIC FIREWORKS for all your pyro needs.

We are open every day until 5pm on Christmas Eve and re-open on 27th December until New Year’s Eve. If you have any questions about fireworks, we are here to help so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Eleven – How to Budget for Your Display