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3D Fireworks Glasses

3D Fireworks Glasses

Here at Epic, as firework retailers and lovers of all things pyro, we have just received a couple of pairs of the recently created 3D Holographic Glasses.

The ‘Holiday Specs’ was created for the 4th July and New Year celebrations in order to bring as much light into the event as possible and to enable the consumer to thoroughly enjoy the annual fireworks events better than ever before.

The specialist 3d stereoscopic lenses bend the light from any source, creating a refracted light display. Now whilst this is a new application for the methodology used for capturing light if any of you out there remember the Disney View-master you will understand that the idea has been around for many years and it has been revolutionised to ensure that it meets the needs of today’s fireworks market.

The glasses work by allowing each eye to focus on the same image from a different angle, which computes in the brain as a part of a whole image in multi-dimension.

To date, almost 200 million people have watched both laser shows and fireworks using this innovative product.

On a personal note, I am looking forward to ‘letting a few off!!’ just so that I can check out if they are as good as they purport to be.

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Previous article The Ultimate Guide to At-Home Firework Displays: Part Twelve - Choosing the Right fireworks for your display