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60 x Epic Rockets Launched For HRH Queen Elizabeth II

60 x Epic Firework Rockets - For Queen & Country

There have been hundreds and hundreds of customers ordering fireworks for the forthcoming Diamond Jubilee and the Epic team decided to launch 60 monster sized rockets (RRP £1799.40) for the special occasion. (Why 60? Well, it was our way to show support for HRH Queen Elizabeth’s 60th anniversary).

Simon Harding from Sirotechnics has always been a close friend of Epic and decided that he wanted to join in on the fun. We were going to use the Epic Rocket Launcher but decided it was too slow....maybe some other time :)

The 60 massive rockets were fired on Wednesday 30th May 2012, you could say this was a little early but the problem was that we were all busy for the forthcoming Jubilee weekend.

Thanks for your help Simon and we look forward to seeing you again soon :)

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