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Visiting The Chinese Firework Factory. Episode 4.


After last nights rocket demo, we were all still knackered and met for breakfast a little later than usual at 0900. There was a little more choice food wise this morning so we all made the most of it :)

At 1030 we went to our supplier's office to talk about the rocket demo from the night before. We discussed the rockets in great detail, the things we liked, things we disliked, prices, packing requirements, shipment dates etc...

At 1200 we went back to the hotel for lunch. We had about 2 hours free for lunch as we were being picked up 1400 to visit a barrage/rocket factory.

Lunch consisted of fried rice, noodles, braised pigs trotters, fish, snake (YES SNAKE), shrimps, pigs blood, octopus, sparrows....the list goes on and on....

Braised Pig Trotters - Epic Fireworks China Trip 2012

We all meet around 1400 and made our way to the barrage/rocket factory, the journey took around 60 minutes. It was very very cold but at least it wasn't raining. We were first given a cup of Chinese tea and then escorted around the factory. I took a load of pictures and made a few videos of the workers producing the fireworks, at this time of year 99% of production was for the American market who need the fireworks well before the 4th July celebrations.

Workers Busy Making Loads Of Rockets In the Firework Factory- Epic Fireworks China Trip 2012

After touring the firework factory we decided to make our way back to the hotel. We should have had a cake demo tonight but the rain was now bouncing down and we decided to postpone the demo for another day. On exiting the firework factory the road was very very bad and we were all bouncing about in the back of the car :)

Another Rainy Day In China - Epic Fireworks China Trip 2012

We all arrived back at the hotel at 1800 and decided to get some dinner. We got to the restaurant in the hotel and realised that the food on offer was exactly the same as lunch! We decided to walk to a restaurant just around the corner. We had rice, mega spicy beef, chicken, vegetables and a few beers each.

Dinner At Local Restaurant - Epic Fireworks China Trip 2012

We got back to the hotel around 2100 and decided to have a few beers in the lobby bar. We had another 3/4 beers each and were ready to call it a night......then we bumped into the Celtic Fireworks team from the UK. We continued to drink, drink and drink and before we knew it, we had emptied the bar dry. We all left at 0130 knowing that our heads were going to hurt in the morning.

To be continued...

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